ROMAI Journal
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The Romanian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics


ROMAI JOURNAL   ISSN (P)1841-5512; ISSN (E) 2065-7714

Peer review RJ

The manuscripts submitted to ROMAI Journal (RJ) are checked by an Editor, assigned by the Chief Editor, in the terms of scope and quality. If it is found suitable for RJ then it is sent to one reviewer for a report. The Editor can reject a manuscript prior to review, if he considers that it is unsuitable for RJ.

RJ uses a single-blind-peer-review system: the reviewer knows who the authors are and the reviewer's report provided to the authors is anonymous.

Based on report submitted by the reviewer, the Editor makes one of the following recommendations:

  • Reject
  • Major Revision
  • Minor Revision
  • Publish

If the Editor recommends "Reject", the authors receive the review report and are notified that their manuscript will not be considered for publication.

If the Editor recommends "Major/Minor Revision" then the authors receive the review report and they are asked to prepare and submit an updated version of the manuscript according to the observations made by the reviewer and Editor. On the basis of the updated version of the manuscript, the Editor, optionally, can request the advice of a reviewer, can recommend the publication or a new revision of the manuscript.

If the Editor recommends "Publish" then the authors will be notified of the manuscript acceptance and will be asked to sign the "Publising Agreement" form.

Please note that the manuscript will be published only if the authors sign the "Publishing Agreement" form.

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Articles in RJ are licensed under CC-By-NC. This license let others remix, adapt, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. More about CC-By-NC .....

For authors: